Daily Mail accused of paying €50,000 for CCTV video of Paris attack
The Daily Mail has been accused of paying £35,000 to obtain video of one of the terrorist attacks in Paris that had been encrypted by French police to prevent it being made public.
Representatives of the Mail are then believed to have destroyed the original source material from the CCTV cameras inside the besieged Paris cafe to ensure no other media organisation could obtain it.
Asked by Petit Journal presenter Yann Barthès why he had decided to tell his story, Aoudia replied: “I think we are in a very painful period, a very difficult and sensitive period. People can buy pictures, of course people do buy pictures, we’ve seen that.
“But we are in an atmosphere of terrorism here and I think people should maybe think twice about broadcasting this kind of material – the more so because at least until it was broadcast, it was confidential to an ongoing investigation.”
powerful and money thirsty media conglomerates, are desensitised by the attacks and therefore, cause controversy when covering these sensitive topics.

when a 12-year-old contestant of Brazil’s Junior MasterChef became the subject of sexually explicit tweets, women and girls took to social media to share their experiences of the first time they were sexually harassed or assaulted. The #MeuPrimeiroAssedio hashtag – which translates as “my first harassment” – was used more than 82,000 times on Twitter over five days.
Although the scenario seems worrisome, 63,090 women have called Brazil’s domestic violence helpline this year, 40% more than in 2014, which may just go to show how these social media campaigns are proving to be strong allies of women’s causes.
The use of social media has had a positive impact in the way people stand up to prejudices and unfair experiences they face. it gives normal people a chance to voice their op pinions and discuss and campaign their concerns
The campaigners challenging misogyny and sexism in Brazil
Brazil has a long history of patriarchy but the internet and social media are proving to be strong allies of women’s causes
when a 12-year-old contestant of Brazil’s Junior MasterChef became the subject of sexually explicit tweets, women and girls took to social media to share their experiences of the first time they were sexually harassed or assaulted. The #MeuPrimeiroAssedio hashtag – which translates as “my first harassment” – was used more than 82,000 times on Twitter over five days.
Although the scenario seems worrisome, 63,090 women have called Brazil’s domestic violence helpline this year, 40% more than in 2014, which may just go to show how these social media campaigns are proving to be strong allies of women’s causes.
The use of social media has had a positive impact in the way people stand up to prejudices and unfair experiences they face. it gives normal people a chance to voice their op pinions and discuss and campaign their concerns
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