Friday, 4 December 2015

Globalisation and the media: wider issues

1) Why was Google Glass controversial?
can be seen to be part of technological determinism, because it will liberate 
the user to such an extent that it will change the very way that we interact with each other and the environment. Also it can cause privacy problems as people using the glasses would be monitored and have their buying habits and other personal information available for others to see.

2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?

The spread of the service inevitably displays globalisation, it allows people to become more accessible, and people are enriched with knowledge and access to learning things people otherwise have no access to.Increased choice and opportunities empower people, while access to information can enhance not only the ability to make informed decisions but even the democratic process.

3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?
However, if we consider that all ofthese benefits are provided by one of just a small number corporations, this leads to a discussion about the concentration of ownership, and the possibility that smaller companies have little or no hope of staking a claim on the global market as they won’t be able to compete. This means that the previously mentioned ‘choice’ we talked about so positively is in effect provided by a limited number of companies who dominate the global market.

4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics? 

a techno-panic is a moral panic that centres on fears regarding specific cntemporary technology or technological activity. Some of the dialogue regarding Glass and its release could be viewed as both moral and techno-panics. Questions are already being asked as to whether people wearing Glass may start to becomes les egaged in conversations that they are paying attention to.

5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?
I have always held the opinion of allowing people into private data for security purposes, however I disagree to huge companies preeing into peoples personal data or information for captial gain.

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