"it is not reasonable to deny that media plays a key role in the development of anti-Muslim hatred"
The Mail on Sunday for finally apologising for its provocative headline: “Muslim gang slashes tyres of immigration-raid van”. After an attack on a immigration enforcement vehicle, even though the faith of the perpetrators was still not identified. on Wednesday 23 September 2015 09.00 BST the guardians columnist stated 'its time the media treated Muslims fairly', as an article reporting the falling of a crane in Saudi was some how linked to the 9/11 attack. The Guardian says the we need to raise awareness of the problem as most of the Islamaphobia is due to religious illiteracy. He ended the article with
We are equal members of society and demand fairness, not favours. Avoiding daily smears, group libel and the violent consequences is not too much to ask of the nation’s editors.
As a Muslim i do believe that some article very biased do evoke and stir up hate for Muslims making them feel alienated. This may be to create a moral panic within communities and ultimately provoke hints of change in the way people in the public view Muslims. However, i do also believe that its not all of them and that some places on the media such as BBC is delivering increasing acceptance of the minority group, through the channels documentary's such as 'miss Muslimah pageant' documented by Dina Tokio a mixed race young British Muslim female fashion Blogger. This helps people learn and grow acceptance to the minority group.

The new editor of the Sun, Tony Gallagher argues that he cant see why you wouldn't want to publish the news about the encounterment of the dead pig and our prime minister. He says it reveals something very interesting about the nature of the prime minister, the circle he inhabits, the upbringing he had, the kind of behaviour he may or may not have engaged in when he was at university.
I think that the prime ministers personal past shuould be kept to him self and that just because he did something intolerable in his youth should not define him, it is more 'gossip' to capture readers than 'learning' about the prime minister. On the other hand the freedom of information may act may be in the defence of those wanting to get a story.
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