this event is clearly nostalgic and a great opportunity for fans to see their fave singer again and witness another great preformance. However this may also b controversial to some family firnds and fans as they have to relive and encounter her preformance and it may bring back many memories, furthermore because the singer has passed away it is unethical to view this without her consent.

A little tired and emojinal 

Juilie bishop the Australian affairs minister put tweeted a number of times late last night with different emojis, her tweets ranged from discussing the Tv dating show 'The Bachelor', to thanking her local airport.
I dont understand why this had to be on the news, i mean just because shes a an affairs minister does not and should not limit what she can and cannot tweet, although there was no distinct opinion of this, there is still an unconscious bias here as it has made it to the news
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