Monday, 11 April 2016


www: some critical vocabulary htrough the use of your case study
ebi: lacks enough of a NDM focus and dont talk about news

Read the Examiner's Report in full. For each question, would you classify your response as one of the stronger answers or one of the weaker answers the Chief Examiner discusses? Why? What could you do differently next time? Write a reflection for EACH question in the paper.

I didn't talk about the news and the effects of new and digital media. I just spoke about my independent case study.Examiners  stress to focus on the question.

5) Choose your weakest question in Section A and re-write an answer in full based on the suggested content from the Examiner's Report. This answer needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme. This will be somewhere between 3-6 well-developed paragraphs (depending on the number of marks).
• Key to advertising/marketing revenue

• Growth of e-Media economy

• Illusion of empowerment

• Direct audience feedback

• Demographic targeting

• Cross media promotion

it is highly essential for media producers to generate a positive attitude to the audience, this is because it has a huge impact on the increase of revenue. This is allows a greater interaction involvement with the audience and this engagement increases revenue as it creates a greater fan base. Moreover, through new and digital media the media producers attain direct feedback from the consumers of the company. This also allows a the promoters to target a specific demographic target. Furthermore, there is an illusionment of empowerment as  

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