Thursday, 18 June 2015

What's wrong with the internet?

But what about privacy?
Are you happy for corporations or governments to track your movements online?

For my safety and the people around me's safety I would not necessarily condemn secure and trusted governmental movements to monitor my movements online, providing my data and information is kept secure and only for security reasons and is not misusing it.

Summarise the article

The magazine article seems like its coming from someone who is very concerned about who is recording and monitoring your movements online. it gives an example of school issued laptops invading the children's privacy by watching them through a webcam, the article is linking the very disturbing incident to governmental surveillance, by putting out scenarios and rhetorical questions. It also provides information about how personal data is kept secure on social networking sites, it also mentions the cost of data mining such as finding out IQ, gender, race, political views etc.

Show your critical autonomy: what is your opinion on this debate? Are you bothered by people tracking your online movements? Is it a small price to pay for the benefits of a life online?

My opinion on the debate is that surveillance should only be kept by trusted sources, this may include robotic devices. I agree that everyone has a right to privacy and should not be spied on, however in the same instance, if there are potential threats to the community or society than some precautions and measurements need to be taken. I am not particularity bothered about being tracked online and sacrificing some privacy for the purpose of my security and the people around me.

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